Did you know that where you live is important to insurance companies when they set your automobile insurance rates. When assessing risk of auto accidents insurance companies usually look at how often car accidents and theft occur close to your home and this helps them determine your rates.
Studies by the insurance companies show that most accidents occur close to home.
One company asked 11,000 of its auto insurance policyholders who reported accidents how close to home they were when the accident happened. Fifty-two percent reported they were five miles or less from home, and an astounding 77 percent reported they were within 15 miles of home!
Here are some of the statistics:
Miles from home Percentage of accidents
1 mile or less 23%
2 to 5 miles 29%
6 to 10 miles 17%
11 to 15 miles 8%
16 to 20 miles 6%
More than 20 miles 17%
The bottom line is that just because yo'u're only going to the local store don't think you don't have to buckle up or drive less cautiously than you do on less familiar roads. We represent many personal injury clients injured in auto accidents that occured close to home. So please be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Buckle up and drive safely.
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For info about home insurance, please visit http://insureinfousa.blogspot.com